Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What goes up must eventually come down.

I have lots of stories about poop.  Not my own (well, that would be a different blog post entirely) but cat and dog poop.  It's mostly what I do as a pet sitter.  Pick up poop.   On walks with dogs, in lots of cat boxes.  I've stepped in it (so many times, I've lost count), I have started singing, to the tune of Elvis Costello's Everyday I Write in the Book, "everyday I step in the poop".   The other day was a first though.  After a walk with a client's dog, I started up the drive to go in.  I didn't want to carry the poop bag through the house to dispose of in the trash bin in the back so I decided to just toss it over the gate.  Well, I tossed and it went over the gate ... and landed on the roof.  Explain that to your client.  Good thing she has a very good sense of humor.